the power of a thank you

ThankYou_01My job requires me to do lots of research.

When I’m not writing, I’m reading. When I’m not surfing the internet for info, my nose in usually in a book. (Yes, people still read books!)

And since I’m one of those people who ends up reading the dictionary or encyclopedia for an extended period when I go to look something up, I often spend a good deal of my day learning lots of interesting things I didn’t set out to learn.

Today’s research led me to an anecdote that reminded me that our mothers were right – it is important to say thank you.

Back in 1956, the PIME Missionaries were blessed with a generous donation that allowed them to build a minor seminary, Sts. Peter and Paul, in Newark, Ohio. As is often the custom, the missionaries honored the donor by including his name on a bronze plaque near the entrance.

Many saw the plaque, and one gentleman was so impressed by it that he asked for a photo of it to share with his uncle. He thought perhaps the uncle might like to make a donation as well.

Sure enough, that kind gentleman was inspired to give too. In fact, he decided to pay for the entire cost for the land for the seminary the PIME Missionaries were planning to build in the Detroit area.

Their thank you did more than honor the giver – it started a positive chain of events that led to more good things happening.

Gratitude is like that.

“So,” you’re probably asking yourself. “If I do something nice, will I get a plaque too?!?”

Hmmmm, not likely.

Sometimes we see the direct result of our good deeds, but often we have to be patient and trust God with the results.

But to tell the truth, if we could we’d put every one of our benefactors’ names on a plaque. Obviously that’s not practical, but we can do this –

Say “thank you.”

Whether you’ve helped us build a seminary or a chapel, or simply helped us pay the electric bill, we appreciate it more than we can say.

We are also grateful for your prayers. Prayers can’t be quantified, but they can be felt. Our missionaries couldn’t possibly achieve what they do without some powerful prayer support.

So please accept our heartfelt thanks. And consider this a prompt to say thank you to someone who’s been generous with you.

Plaque optional. 🙂

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